Hi, I am a free person!
なんで始めたのか?自分が持っている銀行のアプリをスマホに入れており、ちょいちょい確認するのですが、たまに『利息 1〜3円』と表示されてなんかむなしくなり、時間があるので自分でお金を動かしてみたくなったので。つみたてNISAなら始めるのが簡単だとよく耳にするので。でも自分はよくわからないことは調べたい性格なので、勉強的なことを2022年の年末ぐらいからやりました。スムーズに行え、現在(2023年8月)利用中です。
I started TUMITATE NISA as soon as 2023.
Why did I start it? I have an app for my bank on my smartphone, and I check it from time to time, but sometimes it shows “interest 1-3 yen,” which makes me feel frustrated, and since I have time, I wanted to try moving my money myself. I heard a lot about how easy it is to start a savings account with TUMITATE NISA. However, I am the type of person who likes to research what I don’t know, so I started studying around the end of 2022. It went smoothly, and I am currently using it (August 2023).

I quit playing PS4, which I started around 2021, because I wanted to use a PC at the same time I started using the TUMITATE NISA. PS4 was for entertainment and fingertip rehabilitation, but I could naturally rehabilitate my fingertips by using a PC. I had been unable to operate a PC because I had a strong ⑴Measurement Impairments, but thanks to playing PS4 ⑴Measurement Impairments has weakened to some extent.
測定障害 / Measurement Impairments
⑴…Symptoms of inability to stop limb movements at the desired point despite sufficient muscle strength, or tremors in small increments when using fingertips or other parts of the body.
Example: When writing something on paper, I tremble and cannot write well. When holding a cup filled with liquid, it spills quite a bit.
After a month, I sold the console and all the software because I no longer used the PS4 at all. Even if I had a PS4, I would not use it and it takes up a lot of space, so there was no point in keeping it around.
By the way, I use a notebook PC instead of a desktop PC. I chose a notebook PC because I don’t know what I will have in the future, and I can easily carry it around.
After that, I started my PC operation, and just using the PC helped me rehabilitate my fingers. First, I struggled a lot with mouse operation, and started practicing keyboard operation using typing sites on the Internet.
At first, mouse operation was quite difficult, and when I tried to concentrate and click the cursor on something, not only my fingers but also my whole arm moved and the cursor went to the wrong place, and I often couldn’t click as I wanted.
Because of this, I struggled to get to the typing site and tried many different typing sites. The reason why I tried so many different sites was because at the time I was only using my index finger and typing while looking at the keyboard, so I wanted to get the finger usage and posture down into my body. (I was in a hurry when there was a time limit, so I typed more incorrectly.)
I was operating a PC for a long time every day, so my face would naturally turn downward to look at the PC screen and my neck would naturally turn downward as well, and my neck and shoulders became very sore from this posture.

Purchased a PC stand and a Blue-Light-Cut Glasses to relieve the pain. After using these the pain was gone. I also bought an external keyboard and a ⑵Trackball Mouse. The external keyboard is difficult to type with the internal keyboard because the PC is placed on the PC stand, and the ⑵Trackball Mouse is the arm to not gets tired after long use.
トラックボールマウス / Trackball Mouse
⑵…The mouse itself has a ball, and the cursor is moved by moving the ball, so there is no need to move the mouse itself. (Most ordinary mice are operated by grasping and moving the mouse body)

※The gray one below is a sheet that prevents the wrist area from getting stuck to the desk when typing on the keyboard, making it difficult to type.
I also wanted to know some things in e-books, so I decided to buy two e-books a month. The reason why I chose e-books instead of regular books is because with books, they are actual books, which is fine at first, but later on the number of books increases and they become luggage and get in the way. I thought I could sell them when I finished reading them, but I was not in a position to go and sell them by myself. These three reasons are why I chose e-books.
The first genre I purchased was psychology. I had been interested in it since a little after I became a member of society, but if I kept putting it off, I gradually became less and less interested in it, and when I came to my senses, I had forgotten about it and came to this time.
I got the general gist of what was going on, so I left the more in-depth content for later and tried to buy e-books in that genre because I wanted to learn more about investing, but by this time I was operating my PC more smoothly than I had expected and wanted to do something with it, so I decided to set up a blog site.
There were free and paid blogs, and I decided to go with the paid one for the future. (Even though it was paid, it was only one a year.)
I opened it but did not know how to do it or how it works, so I bought an e-book on those genre-related topics for a little while. After gaining some knowledge, I went to investment e-books that I wanted to buy. (I became interested in it as I learned about the new investment program, Tsumitate NISA which I started this year.)
I also decided to start studying English. It happens a little bit in the working world that it would be easier if I could understand English for something. I have time to study, and there may be times in the future when I will need it, so I decided to start thinking that it would not be a waste of time.
Currently (August 2023), I am reading e-books, operating a PC, studying English, exercising at a fitness gym (on days I can’t go, I do independent training), home visiting rehabilitation centers, and watching TV for entertainment.
But I am still slow to work, so if I focus on any of them, I will not be able to do anything. (Apart from exercising at the fitness gym and doing in-home rehab)
If I add more things to do, it will interfere with other things I do, so I’ll stop.
For now, I’m going to do what I’m currently doing extremely well, speed up the overall operation, and most importantly, increase what I can do alone.
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