UIを更新しました。The user interface has been updated. (1/1)

日常生活の流れ/Flow of daily life

 Hi, I’m free person!
 Now, I will write down the general flow of the day. (As of October 2023)
※It doesn’t change often, but the flow of the day changes when there’s something I think I can do or something I want to try.

8時前後…起床&朝ごはん/About 8 a.m.…Wake up&Breakfast
 昼ごはんを食べるまでVOD鑑賞(VOD…Netflix、Prime video、TVer)、その日の夜にどんなテレビ番組が放送されるかを番組表で確認。
 Watching VOD until I eat lunch (Netflix, Prime video, TVer (Japan’s mobile app)), Check what TV shows are on this night.

12時〜13時前後…昼ごはん/About 12〜1 p.m.…Lunch
1. Simple computer work(Basically, I use my PC for after I eat lunch until about 7 p.m.) Using a PC is itself a form of rehabilitation.

 Study by browsing investment sites, practice typing, read e-books, study English, etc.
 Depending on the day, I may have visits rehabilitation or(Usage time approximately 1 hour) go to the fitness gym.(Usage time approximately 4 hour)

2. Stretch&Muscle training(I stretch every day, but I only do strength training once every two days, and I don’t do it when I go to the gym)
 I’ve always loved exercise, and I wanted to get back to my normal body. When she first entered the hospital, she couldn’t move from her bed, so she was happy to be able to move her body again.


A little Japanese audio is included. The caption is in English. The mask I was wearing before was difficult to exercise in, so I changed it.

 There is a full menu, but since the videos are long, there are also short videos.

Short ver

Full ver

・ストレッチは20秒ずつ/Stretch for 20 seconds each
・筋トレで秒数を数えるメニューは1分/Counting the seconds of muscle training is 1 minute
 回数のメニューは20回•腹筋ローラーは10回✖️3セット(ちょいちょい何回やったか忘れます。笑)/Counting the seconds of muscle training is 1 minute&Abdominal muscle roller 10 times x 3 sets (Sometimes I lose track of how many times I’ve been there. Haha)

19時前後…クロスワードをやる&風呂/About 7 p.m.…Do crossword&Take a bath
 Crosswords help rehabilitate your fingers by holding a pen, writing, and turning the pages. I also read it aloud so I can practice speaking.

※I’m practicing speaking, but it’s Japanese. I’m at this level now.(As of October 2023)

20時30分前後…晩ごはん/About 8:30 p.m.…Dinner
 Watching TV&Netflix
0時ごろ…就寝/About 0 a.m.…Going to bed

〜Regular appointment〜

1. Visit the hospital once every six months
 The doctor’s appointment is just a follow-up and ends by noon, so I shop until the evening

2. Visits rehabilitation 3 times a week&Go to the fitness gym twice a week
 Home-visit rehabilitation is limited to one hour a day, three days a week, according to national rules. At the fitness gym, it takes 3 hours to exercise, and a total of 1 hour to travel to and from the gym. I can’t go out on my own right now, so I go with my mom two days a week.




目次/Table of contents