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 Hi, I am free person.
 I will introduce myself in detail.

 Graduated from elementary school and junior high school.
 Club activities in junior high school were basketball.

 Graduated from high school.(Club in badminton)…Fell in love with music, formed a band, (I was charge of drums)performand at culltural festivals, and played at live music clubs.

 Graduated from vocational school.(2 years, music)…I was interested in the support side, not the performing side, learned video editing, copyrights, sound, etc.
 Career counselor liked me so much that he offered me an intern at a workplace owned by a friend of he.

→社会人・・・専門学校卒業と同時にインターン先の職場へ就職。音楽というか音楽も含めたエンタメ全般みたいな職種でした。音楽のライブチケット販売(ネット)・電話対応・ファンクラブ運営・動画編集・BSテレビのロケ・落語のイベント周り・etc 色々とやらせてもらいました。
 Social person…I started working at the company where interned at the same time as graduated from the vocational school. It was a job in the all music, or rather entertainment in general including music.
 Sold live music tickets(online), answered phone calls, managed fan clubs, editied videos, fimed on location for BS TV, worked around Rakugo events, etc.
 I did a lot of different things and then left the company after about 2 falf of the years.

 I registered with a temp agency get want to know various jobs.…For about 3 months.

 I worked at a cabaret club in Ikebukuro…Worked for about a year and quit.

 Worked at an advertising agency in Tokyo as a part-timer, then joined as an employee when the agency moved to the same Tokyo location…Left after a little over year(including the period as a part-timer)

 Joined a darts bar upon leaving an advertising agency. After working there for a little over a year, I suddenly collapsed on a day off in late August 2018 and became unable to work.



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