Hi, I’m a free person! Now that I’ve written an article about my condition and current situation, I’m going to introduce some of the video works I’ve watched that were impressive and interesting to me. It would be too long to introduce everything at once, so I will divide it into five parts. This time, I will focus on Anime.
The following works are personal, personal opinions about the anime alone. It does not incorporate my impressions of manga, novels, etc.
ビーストウォーズ 超生命体トランスフォーマー

In the future, several hundred years after the Sabertronian and Unicronian wars, the three-way war between Cybertron, Destron, and Unicron has ended on the planet Sabertron, where both sides coexist in an era of peace and prosperity. However, Megatron stole the Golden Disk, which contained the source of Cybertron’s top-secret energy, and from it. From this point, the war between Cybertron and Destron began again.

This anime is from the Transformers series. I watched it when I was a child and it left a lasting impression on me, so I recently rewatched it. It brought back memories and fun. By the way, there are several sequels, which are also interesting.
I have not included the English dialogue for this anime because the dialogue is quite different between the Japanese and English versions.
遊戯王 デュエルモンスターズ

A card game in which the player controls monsters, magic, and traps, with the rule that the first player whose HP reaches 0 loses the game. The effects of various cards are involved, and a high level of strategy is required. Playing this card game is also called “duel”. The story is centered around such a card game.

Like the anime, I got hooked on the actual card game. There are quite a few anime based on card games, but this one was the most impressive and interesting for me. The variety of characters and cards was exquisite.
By the way, “Yu-Gi-Oh!” has many interesting series.
「次回、『城之内 死す』デュエルスタンバイ!」

Linking the virtual world of the Digital World with the real world of Tokyo, the story depicts the growth of children as they grow up and survive together with their Digimon (monsters living in the Digital World) and friends in the other world that suddenly appears.

I watched it when I was a child, and it left an interesting impression, so I decided to watch it again. The content was good, but above all, the music used in the video was very good.
There are several other anime in this series, but this one is my favorite.

海賊王を夢見る少年モンキー・D・ルフィを主人公とする、「ひとつなぎの大秘宝(ワンピース)」を巡る。 夢への冒険・仲間たちとの友情といったテーマを前面に掲げ、バトルやギャグ、感動エピソード、さまざまな要素がある冒険物語。
This is a maritime adventure romance featuring Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who dreams of becoming the Pirate King, and is in search of the “Greatest Treasure of All” (ONE PIECE). It is an adventure story with various elements such as battles, gags, and touching episodes, with the themes of adventure for dreams and friendship with friends at the forefront.

It is world famous and many of you have heard of it, even if only by name. If you were looking for an interesting piece of animation, I would recommend this anime All in all, it is a great piece of work.
It started quite some time ago and is still on the air.(As of April 2024)

主人公・黒崎一護が「死神」としての成長と活躍を描く物語。 死神とは人間の寿命を遥かに超える時間を生きており、死覇装(しはくしょう)と呼ばれる黒い着物に斬魄刀(ざんぱくとう)と呼ばれる刀を持っている者。
The story depicts the growth and activities of the main character, Ichigo Kurosaki, as a “Shinigami” (god of death). A Shinigami is a person who lives far longer than a human lifespan and wears a black kimono called “Shihakusho” and carries a sword called “Zanpakuto”.

I like the setting to begin with, the characters that appear, as well as the character voices. Battle scenes are the main part of this anime.

The work depicts adventures, battles, and friendships centering on the main character Son Goku and the Dragon Ball, a hidden treasure that will grant him one wish if he collects all seven balls scattered around the world.

世界的に有名で「DRAGON BALL」という単語を知っている人も多いだろう。今作は主人公が青年になっており本格的なバトルものになるのをフォーカスした作品だ。バトルが中心となる。
It is world famous and many people know the word “DRAGON BALL”. This anime focuses on a full-scale battle with the main character as a young man. The focus is on battles.
Also, this anime is a remake of the previously broadcast one “Z”. The total number of episodes has been reduced, but the content will not change at all. There are also several related animes that are also interesting.

江戸時代末期、地球は「天人(あまんと)」と呼ばれる宇宙人の襲来を受ける。 地球人と天人との間に十数年にも及ぶ戦争が勃発、数多くの侍たちが天人との戦争に参加したが、天人の強大な力の前に弱腰になり、地球人は天人の侵略を受け入れてしまう。
At the end of the Edo period, Earth was attacked by aliens called “Amanto”. A decade-long war breaks out between the Earthlings and the Amanto. Numerous samurai join the fight against Amanto, but they are weak before the mighty power of Amanto, and the Earthlings accept Amanto’s invasion.

Before I saw it, I thought it would be a battle anime based on the story and the pictures. But when I watched it, I was surprised to see that it was a gag anime with some battles. There are a lot of gag scenes, but sometimes it takes a serious turn and the gap between the two is amazing.

2010年夏の秋葉原。 厨二病から抜け出せない大学生の岡部倫太郎は、「未来ガジェット研究所」を立ち上げ、用途不明の発明品を日々生み出していた。 ある日、偶然にも過去へとメールが送れる「タイムマシン」を作り出す。 世紀の発明と興奮を抑えきれずに、興味本位で過去への干渉を繰り返し…。
Akihabara in summer. Rintaro Okabe, a childish college student, has set up the “Future Gadget Laboratory” and creates inventions of unknown use on a daily basis. One day, he accidentally creates a “time machine” that can send e-mails to the past. Unable to contain his excitement at the invention of the century, he repeatedly interferes with the past out of curiosity…

At first it was normal, but I became more and more obsessed with it. Even the smallest of things add up to something big…. The change from an ordinary life is amazing.
There is a sequel, or rather a related anime. If you enjoyed this one, please watch that one too.
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ

Japan was occupied by the superpower Britannia Empire. Forbidden to use that name, it is now called “Area 11. The residents of Area 11 are called “Eleven. It is not only the autonomy that has been taken away. Their pride was also taken away. The domination of the superpower seems unshakeable, but then a slight crack appears.

The main character in this anime is intelligent and gains the ability to manipulate people, and he is revolutionizing more and more. There are fantasy elements but also realistic elements, and this ratio is just right.
Angel Beats!

死後の世界の学園が舞台。 「死んだ世界戦線」という神に復讐するために結成された組織が、死後の世界の学校でハチャメチャな活動を行っていくという展開の中、物語が進んでいく。
The story takes place in a school in the afterlife. They form an organization to take revenge on God because of something unreasonable that happened to them before they were born. The story progresses through the development of their crazy activities at the school in the afterlife.

While there is a lot of crazy development, the gags and touching episodes are well balanced. Although the animation is relatively old, it does not feel dated.

The innocent motives of two young siblings to bring their dead mother back to life through their desire for her, leads them to commit the taboo of human body replication. A story of a journey with regret and redemption through the cruel rules of equivalent exchange.

Two brothers who commit an abomination with the innocence of their childhood and are forced to have redemption. The brothers’ struggles to eliminate their atonement are also fragile.
This anime is a retake of a previous broadcast.
Fate/stay night

大災害で孤児となった士郎は、魔術師・衛宮切嗣に助けられ養子となる。 そして十年後、平穏に暮らす士郎はふとしたきっかけから、あらゆる願いを叶えると言われる聖杯を争う戦い「聖杯戦争」に巻き込まれ、魔術師として最強の使い魔(サーヴァント)と共に戦いに身を投じることとなる。
Orphaned in a great disaster, Shiro is rescued by the magician Kiritsugu Emiya and adopted as his son. Ten years later, Shiro, who lives a peaceful life, suddenly finds himself involved in the “Holy Grail War,” a battle for the Holy Grail, which is said to grant all wishes, and he throws himself into the battle as a sorcerer with the most powerful Servant.

There are many Fate series, but this one is the most interesting for me. There are many battle scenes and I like the character voices.
「I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
血潮は鉄で 心は硝子
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to Death.
Nor known to Life.
Withstood pain to create weaponswaiting for one’s arrival.
I have no regrets.This is the only path.
Mywholelifewas”unlimited blade works.”
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第3部 スターダストクルセイダース

Japan, 1989. Jotaro Kuujo, who is in jail himself for being possessed by an evil spirit, is visited by his grandfather, Joseph Jouster. What Jotaro believed to be an evil spirit was an ability named “Yuhamon (Stand). In order to break the 100 year-old bond, Jotaro, Joseph and his friends head for Egypt, where DIO resides.

The way of expression is unique, so it was very novel and enjoyable. The way of expression is generally the same and unique, but the story is completely different from season to season, so I think each person will find different parts of the story interesting.
Jojo is one anime, but there are several anime with different contents and completely different stories and characters. This anime is season 3.

The story depicts the passionate thoughts and actions of the main character, Gon, who faces a grueling ordeal to become a hunter like his father in order to meet his father, and his companions, Kirua, Kurapika, and Leolio.

The harsh ordeals, the powerful enemies, the purity of the main character, the storyline, it is breathtaking.

人間社会に紛れ込み、人を喰らう正体不明の喰種(グール)が蔓延する東京。 大学に通う主人公・金木研は女性の喰種・神代利世に襲われ瀕死となるが、工事現場から落下した鉄骨が利世に当たったことで捕食を免れ、一命を取り留めるが…。
Tokyo is a city where unidentified ghouls are infesting human society and eating people. The main character, Ken Kaneki, a university student, is attacked by a female ghoul, Rize Kamishiro, and nearly dies, but he escapes predation when a steel frame falling from a construction site hits Rize and she survives…

※This anime has many grotesque scenes, so those who do not like them are advised to refrain from watching.
The main character, who used to be an ordinary person, goes through many things and changes, but only a small part of him remains fragile as he used to be. There is a sequel, so if you enjoy this one, you should definitely watch that one too.

28万人が住む三門市に、ある日突然異世界への門が開く。 門からは「近界民(ネイバー)」と呼ばれる怪物が現れ、地球上の兵器が効かない怪物達の侵攻に誰もが恐怖したが、謎の一団が現れ近界民を撃退する。 一団は界境防衛機関「ボーダー」を名乗り、近界民に対する防衛体制を整えた。
One day, a gate to another world suddenly opens in a town of 280,000 people. From the gate, monsters called “Neighbors” appeared. Everyone was terrified by the invasion of these monsters, which were ineffective against earthly weapons, but a mysterious group appeared and repulsed the Neighbors. The group called themselves the “Border” and set up a defense system against the Neighbors.

The character designs are not my personal favorite, but the story and story setting were still interesting and fun to watch.

Humans living inside the wall are forced to fight a desperate battle against the Titans, who prey on humans. The main character, Eren Jaeger, joins the Corps, an organization that opposes the Titans, and puts his life on the line with his friends to defeat the Titans.

※This anime contains some grotesque scenes. Please refrain from watching this anime if you are not a fan of grotesque scenes.
Tragedy befalls the innocent protagonist and one ordeal after another. It is better to watch this more than twice. Many foreshadowing is hidden from the beginning and you will enjoy it even more if you know the flow of the story.

総人口の約8割が何らかの超常能力“個性”を持つ世界。 事故や災害、そして個性を悪用する犯罪者・敵(ヴィラン)など、人々と社会を守る職業・ヒーローになることを目指し、主人公はヒーローを志す学校に通う。
In a world where about 80% of the population has some kind of supernatural ability called “individuality”. The protagonist attends a school for heroes, aiming to become a hero, a profession that protects people and society from accidents and disasters, as well as criminals and villains who misuse their individuality.

Various supernatural powers appear and are well represented. Each character is outstanding in its own right.
ソードアート・オンライン アリシゼーションWar of Underworld

※今作はソードアートオンラインの3期の後半です。 /※This anime is Second half of 3rd period of Sword Art Online.
The story follows Kirito’s resurrection from a state of insanity and the battles that progress in multiple phases, all on an impressive scale.

The scene where the main character is resurrected was exciting and it was over in a flash, and the background music matched the scene well. This anime is a series called Sword Art Online, so if you enjoyed the first season, please watch it.

The story is about an ordinary high school student, Yuuji Itadori, who becomes a “jujutushi” a fighter against evil “jurei” beings after an incident, and fights against the jurei with the help of his friends.

The theme of the story is witchcraft, but it is not sludgy, and the stylish and beautiful pictures betrayed the image in a good way.
「『死んで勝つ』と『死んでも勝つ』は 全然違うよ恵」

人生どん底のダメフリーター花垣武道は、中学時代に付き合っていた恋人が犯罪組織“東京卍會”の抗争に巻き込まれて死亡したことを知る。 突然の悲報に驚きながらも変わらぬ日常を過ごしていたが、駅のホームで何者かに突き飛ばされて線路へ転落。すると突然、中学校時代にタイムスリップする。なんとこのタイムスリップは1回きりではなく、とあるアクションをおこせば何回もできる。 未来を変えるために何度も現在と過去を行き来し奮闘する。
Takemichi, a no-good freelancer, learns that his girlfriend from junior high school has been killed in a war between the “Tokyo ManJikai” criminal organization. While he is still going about his daily life, he is pushed by someone on a station platform and falls onto the tracks. Suddenly, he is transported back to his junior high school days. To his surprise, this time slip is not a one-time event, but can be repeated many times if he performs a certain action. In order to change the future, he struggles to go back and forth between the present and the past again and again.

The main character, who was slacking off as a freelancer, suddenly travels back in time to junior high school and reevaluates his life. The ending left me curious about the rest of the story, and it was the anime I saw most recently that left me wanting to know what happened next.

耳が聞こえず言葉が不自由な王子が、世界一立派な王様になることを目指す。 冥府の国の人が「才能よりも勇気の方が大切」だと伝える。自分を信じる勇気、相手を信じる勇気、許す勇気、諦めない勇気など、様々な勇気の大切さも描く。
A prince who is deaf and has a speech impediment aims to become the most splendid king in the world. A person from the land of the underworld tells him that “courage is more important than talent. The film also depicts the importance of various kinds of courage, such as the courage to believe in oneself, the courage to believe in others, the courage to forgive, and the courage to never give up.

The most ineffectual protagonist in the history of anime that I know of, but I was impressed by his perseverance in the face of adversity. The character design is not my favorite, but the story is so great that I don’t care about that.
「力なんてなくても私たちにはね いろんな可能性があるんですよ」

大正時代、親兄妹を人喰い鬼に殺されてしまった少年・竈門 炭治郎(かまど たんじろう)が、唯一生き残るも鬼となってしまった妹の禰豆子(ねずこ)を人間に戻す方法を探すため、鬼たちとの戦いに身を投じる物語。
The story is about a boy, Kamado Tanjirou, whose parents and siblings have been killed by cannibalistic demons. He throws himself into battle with the demons in order to find a way to return his sister, Nezuko, who is the only one who survives but has also turned into a demon, to human form.

The images are very beautiful and powerful, as is the story. The battle scenes are breathtaking.
The “” in the speech bubble is an impressive line.
※The dialogue is mostly in Japanese only, as the expression is likely to change with the almost Japanese-produced animation.
※The work I chose is just a personal point of view. Also, I’m not very interested in romance, so I haven’t introduced it.
※I watched a lot of the anime because each episode is short, but I had to omit the titles because they are so many.