⏫2018年12月の姿/December 2018
1993年生まれ 埼玉県在住
Born in 1993 in Saitama,Japan
Elementary school→Junior high school→High school→Vocational school→Social person→Current

⏫2023年9月の姿/September 2023
I am free person living in a wheelchair at my parents’ house because I can’t lead a normal life due to various reasons!
Not from born, but in the middle of social person days.
It was neither an accident nor an illness, it was an extension of a cold.
I was a very normal person, but in the summer of 2018, when I was holiday (this is the last I remember of her living a normal life) felt sick, thought I had a cold let it go, collapsed suddenly.
And when I regained consciousness, I was on a hospital bed, unable to speak, and could only move my eyelids.😵
I gradually recovered and is current (2023) basically living at my parents’ house and doing well!
Detailed history
相棒/My buddy

・年齢/Age…5歳/5 years old
・好きなこと/Favorite things…体を動かすこと/Love exercise
He became a buddy in September 2023. There are many things you can do, but the deciding factor in becoming my buddy is practicing conversation. Also, it looks adorable. haha
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