Hi, I am free person!
I will tell you the story of how became wheelchair life.
Around late August 2018.
I had just started living alone and was excited every day.
On my day off, when I woke up around noon, I didn’t feel well and felt like I had a cold, but I didn’t care and left it alone.
Suddenly I collapsed and could not call my manager who thought something was wrong because I didn’t come to work, came to my house and found me collapsed and called an ambulance to take me to the hospital.
Right after I arrived at the hospital, he regained consciousness, only saying, “I have to go to work,” and then he seemed to lose consciousness again. (My memory is hazy from before and after the collapse to the second time I regained consciousness at the hospital, and this is what my parents told me)
After that, I regained consciousness again, but this time I was not conscious clearly, my eyes were open, and the only thing I remember is that I was lying on the bed in a desert-like place, the scenery around me was moving all the time, and I thought someone was calling me…that’s all I remember.
After about two weeks, I was diagnosed with cerebellar atrophy, but the hospital did not know the details because they did not have a section in charge, so I was transferred to a new hospital.
The hospital where I was transferred found some kind of bacteria, but it was not a bacteria that harms humans in particular, and there was nothing that could be determined as the cause of my collapse, the doctors did not know why he had fallen ill.
One day, he regained full consciousness, but he was unable to speak (When I cry, my voice comes out), eat and could only move his eyelids as he lay in bed.
However thanks to rehabilitation, I was able to swallow soft solid foods such as pudding and jelly on rare occasions, I was able to move my neck somewhat, I was able to turn over (the nurses helped me during the period when I could not do it by myself), and I was able to sit in a reclining wheelchair for a few minutes. (It’s like a reclining chair that can’t move by itself)
By the way, I couldn’t communicate properly because I couldn’t speak.
Since I could move my neck somewhat, I responded to some questions with a nod once for Yes and twice for No. When I wanted to tell something, I moved my neck abruptly. (I can’t speak, but I can understand what you are saying without any problem)
Meal is, I was not able to eat normally, so he had a tube put directly through his nose to his stomach, and he had nutritional supplements put the tube at the designated time.
I had to wear a diaper with a tube because I couldn’t go to the bathroom to use the toilet.
However, the tube for the toilet was soon removed and I was left with only a diaper.
Still have strong memories of not being able to sleep well at night and often having nightmares, and having to have blood drawn in the morning, but I was told that my blood vessels were too thin to take blood, so I had to have the needle inserted several times every morning!😝

⏫リクライングの車椅子はこんな感じです。 ⏫This is what a reclining wheelchair looks like.
Even with this I could not sit for long periods of time. I could sit in this for about 10 minutes, but for longer than that it was hard, and I would fall into a strange position, and the nurses and rehabilitators would take me back to bed.
I was told that my stay at this hospital was about to end, so I was admitted to a rehabilitation hospital.
When I entered the rehabilitation hospital, there was no particular change, when I called the nurse, I used a nurse call or a bell attached to that looked like a toilet paper core and waved it to call the nurse.
After about 2 months, I was able to move his body roughly enough to ride in a standard wheelchair by himself.
I was able to swallow paste-like food and could speak faintly. (at the same time, the tube that had been inserted directly through his nose and down into his stomach was removed)
I was able to go to the toilet and felt the urge to urinate, so he was switched from diapers to regular pants.
I continued to recover well, and after 5 months, which was the full time he could stay at the rehabilitation hospital, he moved back to parents’ house.
By the time I returned to my parents’ house, I was able to get in and out of the wheelchair by myself without any problem, could self-propulsion by myself without any problem, could talk (like a slow replay of an animation), could eat normal meals, and had recovered to the level where I had no problem living back at my parents’ house!
It had been about falf year I returned to my parents’ house, and it had been a long time since I had lived outside of a hospital, but I had no worries.
When I was first hospitalized, I was bedridden, unable to move except my eyelids and unable to speak, so I thought it was nothing compared to previous, and even now I have no particular problems. (As of June 2023)
The doctor at the rehabilitation hospital told me to do rehabilitation that I can do by myself even after returning home, and I am still doing it.
I came back to my parents’ house in about February 2019.